Reflecting: It Happens For A Reason

As the year 2019 comes to an end, it’s funny how we suddenly begin to reflect on everything that has happened within a year’s time. The good, the bad, the changes, the challenges, etc. And as I reflect on my year, I can say it’s been one of the hardest, yet most eye-opening years I’ve experienced yet. In 2019, I have experienced the good – love, friendships, family, support, success, and stability; the bad – heartache, loss, stress, anxiety, and instability. But amidst the hurt, loss, stressful times, and anxious and instable mindset, I have come to understand and accept that it is all happening for a reason. I hurt and experience pain in order to grow stronger each day. Everything that I have gone through has shaped me into who I am today (and the same goes for YOU). The mistakes that I have made this year become a lesson for me in the next. The memories that I have made this year become a part of my story forever. Every year is another to be grateful for because each year we grow into the person we are meant to be. So I encourage you, as I have encouraged myself, to take each moment in life, good or bad, and find the positive in it; find a way to grow from it. As I enter the New Year, I am thankful for the wonderful support of my family and friends, grateful for both my memories and mistakes I have made in 2019, and excited to continue my journey in 2020. Thank you for listening. Have a safe and happy New Year!


Carlena Meili

One thought on “Reflecting: It Happens For A Reason

  1. You are beautiful inside and out and your ability to grow from your experiences shows your maturity at your young age. This will serve you well in the future. We are always here for you. Love you so much!


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